Winter Training

We will have a short ramp before games, and our season is front loaded with games. Plan now and be ready for the season. Here are some options for getting in shape and getting your skills in order.

Wall Ball Routine 3-5x per week -See Below

Running Routines 2-3x per week - run with your stick for an additional arm workout

Warm up, 5 min jog, 5 x 20yd run/walk back, 5 x 10 yd slide, 4x40yd sprint/walk back, 200yd cool down, stretch

Shooting Clinic - Vetta Soccerdome

Abbie Belknap - Assistant Coach - Quincy University, will be running a 6 week Offense/Shooting/Dodging Clinic starting December 14th!

Samurai Learn to Play Clinic (Free) - Through age 15!

410 West Clinics - LIST

Fusz Clinics - LIST

Wall Ball Routine